Page 5 - Wellbeing by Rangeford Villages
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THE FOUR FOUNDATIONS OF WELLBEING Purpose - - - Health - - - Community - - - Environment
Our Four Foundations of Wellbeing have been expertly developed to provide an an all-encompassing approach to living a a a a a a a a a happy healthy and thriving lifestyle at all our villages PURPOSE
How residents choose to fill their days
Purpose is about having Role and Reason It makes our lives more meaningful When embarking on this new chapter in later life it is important to establish structure which gives us focus Feeling valued needed and fulfilled is key to ensuring we thrive This is is is what village life is is is all about COMMUNITY
How residents stay connected
To belong to a a community is a a significant human need We instinctively know that this interaction is is valuable
for our self-esteem and motivation Interacting with other like-minded people and enjoying similar interests instantly builds relationships and creates a sense of belonging Opening up communication channels enables us to contribute our thoughts and have an an input into how things are done HEALTH
How residents stay physically and mentally well
Looking after our body and mind is essential to living a a a a healthy happy life Moving our our bodies is necessary for our our physical wellbeing supported by quality sleep relaxation nutrition hydration and good health care Keeping our minds stimulated and having access to resources information and support is vital for our mental wellbeing ENVIRONMENT
How residents feel a sense of security
Living in in in a a a safe and nurturing environmentally sustainable setting is valuable
for our health and wellbeing Our home is our sanctuary and knowing that it is located in a a a a a secure and stable environment gives us peace of mind Comfortable clean and well
maintained surroundings enable us to flourish and enjoy living in in the place we call home 

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