Rangeford welcome all forms of feedback from customers, family members and residents, whether positive or negative. We will treat all feedback seriously, review it, and use it to drive continuous improvement in all our services.
This feedback procedure is designed to deal with feedback in the form of complaints effectively, transparently and speedily. We will not treat you any differently if you make a complaint or suggest areas of improvement.
When required or requested, we will cooperate with any appropriate intermediary acting on your behalf.
You can raise a complaint in any one of several ways:
- Speak to any member of staff. They will note the details and ask you to confirm that these are accurate before forwarding them to the relevant Manager.
- Complete and submit the Complaints form. This is available at the village reception desk. It is also downloadable via the link below.
- if your complaint is about Rangeford Care, email feedback.care@rangefordcare.co.uk.
- If your complaint is about Rangeford Operations, email feedback.operations@rangeford.co.uk.
Stage 1
The Care Manager or Village Manager will acknowledge your complaint within 48 hours and investigate the matter as soon as possible. If they are not available due to absence then a deputy will acknowledge on their behalf. If appropriate, and if you agree, the Care Manager or Village Manager may arrange a meeting for you to discuss the matter before responding to you. The Care Manager or Village Manager will issue our initial response within 10 working days. If a different department needs to respond, the complaint will be passed to them and they will follow the same response protocols.
Stage 2
If you remain dissatisfied with the Stage 1 response please inform us and we will escalate your complaint to the Head of Operations of Rangeford Villages. The Head of Operations will investigate with the relevant individual or teams involved and provide our final decision within a further 20 working days.
If at any step we require more time to investigate the matter to respond fully, we will agree a new response deadline with you. We will always provide a final decision in writing within 38 calendar days of receiving a complaint, not including any time that you may take in deciding whether to seek escalation, unless we have previously agreed a later deadline with you.
Referral to external agencies
If you remain dissatisfied with our final decision or we fail to provide that decision by the relevant deadline, you may refer your complaint to the relevant Ombudsman.
You should normally make any referral within 12 months of receiving our final decision, to facilitate the Ombudsman’s investigation.
For complaints relating to care:
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman:
PO Box 4771
Telephone: 0300 061 0614
website: www.lgo.org.uk
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The CQC does not investigate complaints but uses them only to inform its future inspection programme.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel 03000 616161
website: www.cqc.org.uk
For complaints relating to property and sales:
Property Redress Scheme
1st Floor Studio 3
Elstree Way
Telephone: 0333 321 9418
website: www.theprs.co.uk
Complaints under the ARCO Code
As an ‘ARCO Approved Operator’, we seek at all times to comply with the ARCO Consumer Code (see www.arcouk.org). ARCO itself does not have a complaint handling function but has nominated The Property Ombudsman as its Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider. Where we are unable to resolve satisfactorily any complaint from you about compliance with the ARCO Consumer Code, you may refer this to The Property Ombudsman: Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2BP. Tel: 01722 333306. Web: www.tpos.co.uk.
We will co-operate fully with the relevant Ombudsman during any investigation and comply fully with the resulting final decision, which will be binding on us.
Certain complaints in relation to leasehold management may also be referred to the Residential Property First-tier Tribunal. We will provide you with contact details for the relevant office where your complaint appears to fall within the remit of the Tribunal.
Download the Complaint Procedure and Complaint Form here.