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Resident Testimonials

The couple agree that moving to Mickle Hill is the “the best thing we’ve ever done”

Mr Stevenson, 71 a retired Technical Trainer in the Aviation Industry and former RAF employee & Mrs Stevenson 69, a retired Personal Assistant and former Police Officer, have been living at Mickle Hill in North Pickering since 8th May 2024, after moving from a large 4-bedroom property in Ayrshire, Scotland.

The couple first heard about Rangeford Villages after Mrs Stevenson’s sister, who lived in Wiltshire, told them about one of Rangeford Villages at Wadswick Green in Wiltshire. The couple loved the Rangeford Village style and feel; however, they ideally wanted a bungalow, and when they discovered that Mickle Hill had a range of fantastic dormer bungalows, they were delighted and decided to book a viewing.

The couple took advantage of the Rangeford ’Try Before You Buy’ scheme, which allows interested buyers to spend an overnight stay in a property to experience the Rangeford lifestyle. The couple said they were really impressed with the village upon arrival, and how well maintained it was, as well as the facilities and the friendly owners that they met on the first night, who all seemed to be really enjoying life at the village. After viewing a delightful 2-bedroom dormer bungalow with pretty countryside views, they were instantly sold and put down a deposit the next day.

All in all, the couple agree that moving to Mickle Hill is the “the best thing we’ve ever done” and would recommend it to anyone considering a similar move and who wants to enjoy a hassle-free retirement in a beautiful environment with lovely surroundings.

June 2024

Jim & Jan Stevenson

Mickle Hill

After speaking to residents here and looking at other places, I knew this was the one I wanted to come to.

"I was ill and had to rely on friends, family and neighbours to come and give me a hand and I thought I'm not getting any younger."

"Maintaining the house and garden was becoming a bit of a problem when I went away. I couldn't do it myself and knew I wouldn't be able to do it all in the future so I started to look at places to go."

February 2024


Clive Inman

Mickle Hill

I moved in at the right time for myself

"I could get to know people and wasn't confined to one space. It's a good place to be social at all levels"

"One of the most important things is having the staff around 24/7 as you don't know when illness will come around. It's one of the main things to know that you are safe always."

February 2024

Stella Stacey

Mickle Hill

Mickle Hill is well organised and we can look out and think "What a difference"

"It makes a big difference; the house had one and a half acres, and we either had to do it all ourselves or get someone in to do it for us. Now here, it's a different thing all together."

"The more time we spend here, the more we are finding out all the things we don't have to do anymore. There are an abundance of movies and all different types of activities, so you can't possibly get bored."

February 2024

John and Jackie Creek

Mickle Hill

Within 2 hours of being here, we signed up for a deposit

"Living in a lovely old village was lovely, but the time had come. Our lives have certainly changed. We have been able to meet a lot of people of similar age, but we all want to carry on living and having fun. Enjoying life as much as we can."

"It was our son who prompted us by saying we needed to downsize and think about the rest of our lives. Saying that we have both worked extremely hard, so you need to enjoy your retirement. He brought us along, and within 2 hours of being here, we signed up for a deposit. We were that impressed.

January 2024

Val Threlfall

Siddington Park

They did not have the facilities that Rangeford were able to offer us

"We came from a 5-bedroom house in South Wales, and we were looking for somewhere to downsize and re-look at our future."

"What we enjoy about living here is the independence. It also has the ability now, which we have already experienced, of doing things other than just living by ourselves."

"Living in a community with like-minded people is really essential. We also looked at other retirement places in the past, but somehow they did not have the facilities that Rangeford were able to offer us."

"I enjoy visits to the various places and interests in the area; there is now a system where we go to a new restaurant in the area every month. That is all part of the quality of life we enjoy here."

January 2024

Arno Friedl

Siddington Park

I have everything I need right here!

"I was one of the first 4 to move into this block, we called ourselves the Pioneers of Wadswick Green. I love it here, it has been one of the best things I ever did, moving here. People ask me why I don’t go on holiday more, but why would I? I have everything I need right here!"

September 2023

Marilyn Mcgee

Wadswick Green

Mickle Hill has "everything you need!"

June has revealed that she is thriving living in Mickle Hill and has even convinced friends from her previous home to make the move. She loves being part of the Mickle Hill community and participating in the plethora of activities available, from making the most of the gym and the bar to getting her hair done in the village salon.

Since moving, June has got to know so many of the residents and has said that she has “not met anyone here who’s not nice” and has found herself to “never feeling lonely, as there’s always someone, nearby.

June believes that moving to Mickle Hill is "the best thing I did" and that she feels "happy and content". 

October 2023

June Avis McMullan

Mickle Hill

A "very pleasant life" at Siddington Park

"We're very happy to have made the move. The apartment fits our needs perfectly, being spacious and comfortable and well placed on the site. Having a second bedroom for when the family visit is perfect, and there is also the option to use the guest suite when we have visitors. Being uncluttered is quite a pleasure in many ways. It is like having a new haircut, or a hot shower... it makes you feel better.”

“We go to a lot of events at Rangeford, and we attend most things here. We mingle a fair amount with the other residents and take part in many of the things that happen here. We even went to a yoga class yesterday too!”

"The staff are delightful and very helpful in every aspect of what they do. And they’re very keen to make sure we’re all enjoying ourselves, including regular shopping trips to Cirencester and trips to local gardens, theatres, and restaurants... it's just so very good. It's a very pleasant life.”

August 2023

Edward and Adrienne

Siddington Park

A Dream Downsize for Chris and Carl

“We went to great lengths, conducting an extensive research on a wide array of retirement villages, paying them each a visit to get a real feel of it.”

“On our first visit to Siddington Park, we were surprised by how all our expectations were met with the premium fittings and quality building materials used. The village’s exceptional location makes it convenient for us to get our groceries with everything just a short stroll away. We are confident that our health is in good hands, as other than the care support we receive from the village itself.”

“The design featuring yellow Cotswold stones with pale green windows, light oak solid doors, and lots of glass inviting light in have created a welcoming and cosy atmosphere. Each apartment block has their own quirk and a design unique to them.”

“We pretty much made up our minds that this is the place we want to spend our later lives in when we first visited in June last year and we immediately made a reservation after our trial stay. We truly believe that this will be the best retirement village in the country.”

June 2023

Chris and Carl Jakobsen

Siddington Park

You're never too old for a new start

“If we hadn’t taken advantage of the Home Exchange, my father would still live in his bungalow. Due to the occasional fall, I was worried about my dad and wanted to ensure that help is to hand when he needs it. We learned that Rangeford Villages offers a Home Exchange incentive, which was a perfect option for us." - Jez Smith (son)

Fred says “My story shows that you’re never too old for a new start. Downsizing made me realise that I had way too much stuff in my bungalow that I really didn’t need anymore. Living here is also very sociable and although there are quite a few widows and widower, nobody ever feels really lonely.”

February 2023

Fred Smith

Mickle Hill

There's never a dull moment at Wadswick Green

“We are quite young at heart so we wanted to find a property in a community that is vibrant and offers plenty of lifestyle choices. From the restaurant, the beautifully kept grounds and gardens, to the hair salon and spa, the development really won us over. There’s never a dull moment and the lifestyle that our new home provides is a far cry from our bungalow back in Bramley."

Jo: “Since moving in I’ve actually learned how to swim, which is something that’s been on my list of things to achieve for a very long time. Thanks to the on-site pool, it has been possible for us to go swimming together regularly. This has had an extremely positive impact on my health as well.” 

Robin: “We wanted to move now, while we are still active, so that we can indulge in all the on-site amenities and live a more carefree retirement.”

January 2023

Robin and Jo Dolman

Wadswick Green

We can relax knowing that our needs are catered for, both now and in the future

"I was immediately struck by the village’s kerb side appeal, with its stunning design and landscaping, it seemed to have everything you need all in one location. I had never really thought about living in a retirement village until that point. I felt now would be the right time to consider a move before it became just too much effort and, I have to say, we haven’t looked back since!

There is so much going on in the village, and you can be as active or as laid back as you like. There is a really great sense of community here, and lots of great opportunities to socialise for those that want to. We use the coffee shop and The Greenhouse restaurant frequently with its lovely terrace.

The lovely town of Corsham is so close by with all its individual shops and restaurants. Gill makes regular use of the wonderful concierge service here, to attend doctors’ appointments and local shopping, including sometimes the weekly car to Bath.

I think what appeals to us most is that everything is so accessible here, it really makes for easy retirement living. We can relax knowing that our needs are catered for, both now and in the future. We are thoroughly enjoying life Wadswick Green and would highly recommend it!” - Mr Little

“I am making really good use of the pool and spa facilities. I also attend the art group every 2 weeks, which I really enjoy, and I’m hoping to join the choir too when it starts. In addition, there are many social gatherings, coffee mornings, theatre trips and we’ve just had a sundowner evening - drinks outside on the lawn with all the new neighbours our lane. It really is a lovely friendly place to live." - Mrs Little

February 2023

David and Gillian Little

Wadswick Green

For anyone considering a move like ours, I would say go for it!

It’s the lifestyle at Mickle Hill that really appeals to us though – we are completely independent and don’t need care or assistance at the moment, but we love having a base to explore everything around the area and knowing that our future is sorted should our needs ever change.

We’ve only been here for a few months, but already we are taking advantage of the excellent range of facilities on offer here: David has joined the gym and does regular keep fit classes; there is a cinema; a lovely Bistro where David goes to read his paper and enjoy a morning coffee and where they hold fabulous, themed nights, such as Spanish and Belgium nights. There is also a really nice bar and social area where we attend the regular Quiz nights, we even won the quiz the other day! It gives us a great opportunity to meet other people and to build up a social life. We also make use of other amenities, such as the Hairdressers, we really do have everything we want right on our doorstep.

One of the major advantages of course to a smaller property is that it is much easier to clean and to maintain, leaving us more time to enjoy the things we love. We were slightly apprehensive about the move, but now that we are here, there is no doubt that we have done the right thing, for anyone considering a move like ours, I would say go for it!

February 2023

Wendy and David Wright

Mickle Hill

I'm living a stress-free lifestyle at Mickle Hill

"As soon as I moved to Mickle Hill my mindset changed completely, and I felt so relieved as everything is so flat and well laid out, that I don’t have that constant worry or obstacles to mobility. There are lovely, landscaped gardens to walk around, and I regularly take the local bus, which stops at the village, into town to enjoy all the local amenities. I can also walk into town if the weather is fine.

Everyone is so friendly here and there is a real sense of community. I’m also enjoying the social aspect of living here, I’m a very social person by nature and so now I get to mix with other people, it's nice to have a chat over coffee or in passing. 

In the summer, I really enjoyed taking part in and watching a range of sports on the village green, including croquet. I also lead a far more active lifestyle here and take part in regular exercise and Yoga classes. There’s always something going on, and you can be as involved as you want to be.

It's very reassuring to know that there is on-site care here, should I need it in the future, it gives me great peace of mind and my family too.

I would say the main benefit of living here, is that all my worries have disappeared and I’m now living a stress-free lifestyle, my son says I’m like a new person and I have to say, I feel like one!

February 2023

Mary Hook

Mickle Hill

Mrs Terry

Siddington Park fulfills all my requirements

"After two years of living on my own in a four bedroom house I decided it was time to move to  a retirement apartment. I did not want just an apartment  but more of a community. Siddington Park fulfills all my requirements. These include a pool, a Restaurant, a Cinema and a Gym as well as the opportunity to join in various events. I have opted for a two bedroom apartment. The apartment is spacious and the kitchen fittings are to a very good standard. The bathroom has a walk in shower. I intend to use the smaller bedroom as a study as I am studying with the Open University.

It will be wonderful to be able to be on my own when I want to be, but if I need a break I will be able to visit the pool or have a coffee in the restaurant and meet other residents or walk in the garden which I will not have to weed. Sandra, the Marketing  Representative was very helpful. She emailed the information about the apartments to my children who do not live near me. They were impressed with the floor plans and facilities and agree I am doing the right thing. I felt so excited when I first visited the Marketing Suite and I still am. I know I am making the correct choice by moving into Siddington Park."

September 2022

Mrs Terry - Reservist at Siddington Park

Siddington Park

I think the dogs are enjoying the social aspect of living here as well as me

“I was delighted to discover that Siddington Park was such a dog friendly village. When I told people I was downsizing and moving here, many people asked me what I was going to do with dogs. It made me laugh really, I don’t think they realise how much space I have here, it's really perfect for them. Living on the ground floor, I have a large outdoor patio area with space for them to roam around, in addition, there will be the landscaped gardens and communal areas. There are some stunning walks right on the doorstep with fields and plenty of public footpaths, where I have already met so many other friendly dog walkers.

“The dogs and I have settled into our new home really well; I think the dogs are enjoying the social aspect of living here as well as me. We have lovely neighbours, the gardeners and staff are all really helpful, it’s great to watch life going by outside our window. I am particularly looking forward to the social aspect of living here, when other residents move in and the communal amenities are up and running like the swimming pool, gym, cinema and café, there will be a real community spirit here. I am looking forward to leading an active lifestyle and joining the clubs and activities that will be on offer.  

“The location is excellent; we are on the outskirts of Cirencester with all its boutique shops restaurants and coffee shops.

“I would definitely recommend Siddington Park to anyone considering moving here, in fact, I have already recommended a friend, who will be moving in soon. I’m really looking forward to enjoying my future here.”

August 2022


Siddington Park


We are thoroughly impressed with Siddington Park

The show apartments are well dressed and bring the pictures alive. Floor plans alone do not go anywhere near to seeing the ‘real thing’.

The apartments feel spacious and we love the bay windows and the bathroom designs make them feel spacious too. Sandra explained the ‘tech’ aspects well.

Altogether thoroughly impressed and can’t wait to move in!

July 2022

Mr & Mrs Steer - Reservists at Siddington Park

Siddington Park

Bill Rex in workshop

The workshop is a great addition to the excellent amenities we already have at Mickle Hill

"The workshop is a great addition to the excellent amenities we already have at Mickle Hill. It was erected in 2019, and since then we have insulated it, lined out the inside, and painted it out. We have fitted it out with a purpose-made long joiners bench, a large table top for various activities, and a smaller bench so wheelchair users can be included as well. Two wood carving kits have been donated so we have lots of tools and equipment.

About 3 or 4 residents frequently use the workshop but all are welcome to use the tools and power tools, under supervision. On leaving school I had an apprenticeship in carpenter and joinery followed by a career in, or attached to, the Building Industry, so I enjoy sharing my skills and experience with others. We have a number of lady residents who are keen to make something in wood, not having had the opportunity before, and the making of bird boxes has been suggested."

May 2021

Bill Rex

Mickle Hill

Musical memories

I founded Wadswick Green's Musical Memories Group

"I founded the Musical Memories group about four years ago now. I’d been at Wadswick Green for a few months, and I thought I would set a group up and see what the interest would be. Music is really connected to people’s memories, and I find for over 60s it’s particularly true with music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I noticed how easily people remembered music and lyrics, so I thought that maybe playing music and discussing it could be a good idea.

We’ve had the Musical Memories group going for some time now, so we know each other quite well, it’s really good. When we first came to Wadswick Green we didn’t know anybody, so it’s a great way to meet people. You get to learn about people’s backgrounds, because they reminisce about their life, what they were doing when a certain song was playing on the radio... It’s a lot better than just talking about the weather!"

April 2021

Moyra Evans

Wadswick Green

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