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Residents in Retirement Communities Experience Greater Happiness, Activity, and Health

13/05/2024 Wadswick Green, Strawberry Fields, Siddington Park, Mickle Hill, Homewood Grove, General, Newsletter

The United Kingdom faces the challenge of an increasingly elderly population, with projections indicating that by 2045, the number of individuals aged 85 or older will nearly double to 3.1 million. Despite the social and economic hurdles posed by this demographic shift, there are reasons for optimism.


As people live longer, many can anticipate enjoying active and independent lifestyles well into their later years. And research suggests that those residing in retirement communities experience greater happiness, activity, and health. However, the availability of specialised retirement housing in the UK still remains limited. As of 2022, only 1% of individuals over 65 live in integrated retirement communities, compared to 6.5% in the US.


Here at Rangeford Retirement Villages we are continually developing new sites to help to meet the increasing needs.


There is a long list of advantages of age-appropriate accommodation which include:


Integrated Living Environments


Retirement communities are carefully crafted to provide integrated living environments that cater to the diverse needs of aging individuals. The communities offer a spectrum of housing options, spanning from independent living residences to assisted living and home care. This array of choices ensures a smooth transition between different levels of care as residents' needs evolve, alleviating the anxiety often associated with relocating.


Accessible Care Services


A key benefit of retirement communities lies in the accessibility of on-site care services. Staffed with healthcare professionals and support personnel, our communities offer assistance with daily tasks, medication management, and other healthcare needs. This immediate access to care services allows residents to age comfortably in place, fostering a sense of security and well-being while providing reassurance to their families.


Tailored Care Plans


Recognising the individuality of each resident's care requirements, we provide customisable care plans tailored to their specific needs. Whether minimal support or intensive care is needed, retirement communities can adjust our services accordingly, ensuring residents receive necessary assistance while preserving their autonomy.


Community-Centric Support


Beyond professional care, retirement communities cultivate a strong sense of community that enhances overall well-being. Residents forge social connections with neighbours, forming a support network that extends beyond formal care services. This community-based support system offers emotional and social companionship, enriching the lives of older individuals.


Safety and Peace of Mind


Designed with residents' safety as paramount, retirement communities like Rangeford Villages incorporate robust security measures. From round-the-clock surveillance to emergency response systems and secure entry points, these features instil confidence in residents and their families, affirming a commitment to providing a secure living environment.


It's crucial to distinguish retirement living from care homes, as many conflate the two. Unlike care homes, retirement communities emphasise active and independent living, with optional care services available onsite. Residents choose these communities for lifestyle reasons, not out of necessity. Furthermore, retirement communities typically offer a wider array of facilities, including gyms and activity rooms, compared to traditional sheltered housing or care homes.


If you are still looking for an active lifestyle with a community at the heart of it, a retirement community may be the best option for you. Historically they were a place to move when an elderly homeowner was no longer able to live in their own home. Now, it is a more proactive lifestyle choice which people are making to enjoy later life to the full. Moving into one gives you the reassurance that support it available as your support and care needs grow and you should be able to live out your later life there.


We know that considering a move to a retirement village is a very personal one and a choice that has to feel right for you. Our village sales advisors are always available at the end of the phone to discuss and talk through any questions you may have.

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