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The Grandkids Love Wadswick Green!

06/09/2023 Wadswick Green, General, Blog, Corporate

David Little, 79, and Gillian Little, 77, have been living at Wadswick Green for just over 20 months now, and since moving have enjoyed visits from their grandchildren, who come to visit them often.

They have four grandchildren in their teens; three granddaughters and a grandson aged between 12 to 16-years-old.

Typically, David says, their grandchildren visit them to stay for “longer periods during the school summer holidays, but also occasionally stay over the weekend”.

When their grandchildren come to stay, “we use the restaurant, the swimming pool and the grandchildren love to play croquet and table tennis,” David says. He adds that they like their grandchildren to stay with them at their home in Wadswick Green as they have space in their two-bedroom property.

“The facilities are there for us to use and we do use them,” David continued to say, adding that “We had a street party for the Coronation and our two granddaughters came to that. It was a lovely sunny day and most of the village turned out, making it a very sociable occasion.

David continued to say that the “whole village is very sociable” and the grandchildren enjoy speaking to the other residents, “which is a huge plus with the village”. He also added that “other grandchildren stay at Wadswick Green too”.

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